“We are drops in the ocean, and also the ocean in each drop”…. Rumi
In this mind stimulating video, Erwin Lazlo and Deepak Chopra discuss the underlying consciousness of the entire universe, including us and all animals and plants etc. Dr. Laszlo explains that the universe is a finely tuned field of coherent resonance. He offers the computer analogy that the physical universe is the printout and the software is this vast information field. He proposes that there is a base foundation to the universe that he calls the information field. Einstein and other physicists and scientists as well as the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) all discuss this field. In ancient Hindu traditions it has been called the Akashic Field.
This theory also describes the world as a holographic universe as is described in Rumi’s quote “”We are drops in the ocean, and also the ocean in each drop”.
Deepak Chopra also explains that this field is a conscious field of potentiality and thereby a self-evolving field. In other words, each one of us with our thoughts, intentions, and emotions are part of the ever evolving universe. Hence, we actually can have an impact on how this world manifests in the future.
How does this relate to you and your animals and the future of this planet? It is very exciting to realize that our own thoughts, heart feelings, and intentions can help create a more loving compassionate universe. Yes, every thought, intention, emotion and action can help create a more beautiful, happier, healthier world. This is quite empowering.
It is not uncommon to see many well intentioned, optimistic, conscious people become somewhat depressed as we see what is happening on the planet all around us each day. This awareness can help us get out of that and be part of the solution. We are indeed part of the global consciousness shift!
Perhaps this information field is partial explanation for animal communication and some of our deeper connections with our animal friends. If this information is stimulating for you, you can go to www.erwinlaszlo.com for further insights.
So dear kindred spirit, please share with me how you are assisting in creating a happier, healthier global consciousness shift with you and your animals! Let us play and create with loving kindness and compassion in each and every moment, each and every day!