Research and Ancient traditions continue to emphasize the power of our thoughts in healing our minds, our bodies and the environment. Every animal lover recognizes how most of the time shared with their kindred spirits makes them happier and healthier. Whether it is quiet time together for a walk or a ride or sitting down together petting your dog or cat, or grooming your horse. Sometimes the times together that brings us joy can be more active as well. Whether riding your horse during an 100 mile endurance ride thru Abu Dhabi (as one of my clients just completed) or jumping over three foot jumps, or doing a graceful dressage show. In addition, what brings so many of my canine clients such joy is time together in agility trials or as in this demonstration of Co-species healing, dancing between Carol and Rookie, her golden retriever. Rookie saved Carol’s life from a life of chronic fatigue to one filled with joy and health. As many approaches state, it all begins with thought. Thought then transforms into action and then into transformation. The power of our thoughts and intentions can heal our minds and our body.
If we can then take that feeling and awareness, that moment of sheer joy and unconditional love that we feel when we experience that deep, profound connection with our beloved animal friends and then encapsulate that into a pill, it would be one of the most powerful pills ever created. If we can recreate that feeling more and more and then share it with everyone we meet each day, the world would be a better place. At least our world would be happier and healthier. If we can spread that to others and utilize that connection with all beings to bring us all joy, we could transform the world. As I mention in this interview regarding Carol and Rookie, we can indeed do this animal by animal. Perhaps we can enhance all our interactions and thereby our communities by sharing that each day with everyone we meet. Perhaps we begin today. Watch this video, close your eyes and focus on loving moments with your animal friends and share that feeling with everyone. That is part of the Medicine Buddha teachings that I shared in a previous post.
I welcome you to share your own experiences here on how this has helped you, your animal friends and everyone around you. Let us create together a compassionate evolution here and now, making this world more compassionate, healthier and happier, simply by sharing the joy that our animal friends bring to us. Could it be that simple? Perhaps….