I came across this video, Occupy Love, occupylove.org that has assisted me in appreciating a much more expansive view of all the unfolding events around the occupy movement. This is not meant to be a political blog or anything of the sort. The video actually addresses one of the goals of this blogsite, “How to create a more compassionate, heart based society”. I have heard many of the polarized perspectives on what is happening and found myself asking questions such as “what is the bigger picture?” and what really are the “best questions” to be explored if we are searching to create a more compassionate society for the benefit of all beings.
I personally do not believe that polarization of “us vs. them” in any shape or form is not necessarily beneficial for anyone. It is a form of duality that pits one against another, stating one side wins the other side loses. Perhaps my idealistic naive side of myself is showing up too much today, yet it seems that we can truly make situations a win/win for all parties involved, if that is indeed the primary intention. What might be beneficial to accomplish this though, is to see if we are indeed asking the right questions. The concept of “occupy love” is a much more inclusive, positive perspective that encompasses all beings, including all our animal friends. If we “occupy love” or “be love”, we come from a different part of our brain. We actually stimulate the release of different neurotransmitters and neurohormones. We feel different, see differently, think differently and thereby wire our brains differently. We actually see with new eyes so to speak. We actually give our brains and our hearts a “love” tune-up so to speak. This is also what happens when we share our lives with our animal companions. It is like a virtual “love” tune-up to our hearts and minds.
So dear kindred spirits, I share this brief youtube video in hopes of stimulating positive neurotransmitters and neurohormones and offering you a day filled with more loving, compassionate thoughts and feelings for all beings. Perhaps we can go forth in our day with more compassion for others who we may not necessarily see eye to eye with, but respect them realizing we are all looking for the same thing, to be loved. What does it feel like inside you to “occupy love”?