One reader suggested that they would love to see more posts about cats. This post is honoring that request! I thought about this and chuckled as I am such a cat person! My very first animal that parents let me have outside of a cage or tank was a cat.
Here is a video of a study that asks the questions are you cat or dog person. Here are the Cat Person Questions. Let me know what you think.
I am also a dog person, a horse person, a wildlife person, really an all animal person and on and on. I truly love all animals, yet we see and hear about endless differences between cat and dog people and certain preferences and tendencies do indeed define unique qualities that can have one identify themselves as either a dog or cat person or whatever. What defines one as specifically a cat person? Independent yet wanting to share their lives with some furry four legged being? Someone that does want to be tied to specific hours to walk a dog? Thoughts?
Friends and family are sharing their various thoughts on what makes a cat person a cat person….one interesting cliche…”Dogs have masters, cats have servants” says a lot. Yes, they seem quite royal. No wonder the Egyptians had worshipped them.
I cherish my time with my cat friends. I feel such joy when I hear my cat’s meow as I come home, or their purr on my chest as I rest from a long day of seeing patients, or being awakened by their paws brushing my beard and meowing for their breakfast.
Neuroscience talks about mirror neurons and how we tend to mimic others. I often wonder if this is one reason why people tend to choose animal companions that look like them or if it is related to why people choose animals that reflect different parts of their personality or physical traits that they like to reflect outwards in a greater way. Is it why people prefer not just dogs or cats, but whether they are male or female, or what breed of dog or cat. How often do we see photographs or even books of photo’s of humans look like their animal friends.
I offer this question to my cat loving readers, “what makes you feel like you are a cat person?”