[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This past March, Vancouver pioneered a new approach to living together with their Vancouver Conference on 12 days of compassion based on the charter for compassion. I am grateful to share with you this Video of Karen Armstrong’s keynote Lecture on the Charter for Compassion [Apology from the Editor: Link no longer available, January 2020]. Karen Armstrong is a world renowned historian of religion, author, professor and winner of the TED Prize for her development of the Charter For Compassion. This is sponsored partially by the Greater Vancouver Compassion Network as well as the Simon Fraser University Center for Dialogue and the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education. The Dalai Lama sometimes describes compassion as a generosity of heart. This is all part of a new movement for a Network of Compassionate Cities.
The one thing I would add to this discussion of compassion is that they include compassion for all beings to include the animal kingdom. When this happens, perhaps the oil companies will no longer use sound frequencies that have been found to kill dolphins, whales and other marine mammals, poachers will no longer kill elephants, rhinoceros, primates etc. and factory farms will no longer treat animals like objects rather than sentient living beings.
I feel like this is part of synchrodestiny. I was unaware of this network when I felt guided to begin my Kindred Spirits Project blog. With my background as a veterinarian committed to doing my best to help animals and their human caretakers, guided by my search for what is ultimate healing, I had found myself on a subconscious quest which has led me to my own insights that compassion for all beings is one of the keys to heal the human condition and its disastrous impact on our environment. I personally feel that by practicing unique mind body medicine techniques that I have developed for all animal lovers, animal hospitals, animal shelters, sanctuaries, zoo’s, aquariums, and any place where animals and people connect can actually become center for the awakening of compassion for all beings.
I will be sharing these techniques more in the future on this blog, in webinars, books, as well as various conferences for veterinarians and animal lovers. Stay tuned.
I will keep this post short so that you can utilize your valuable time watching this special presentation at the beginning of the 12 days of compassion in Vancouver. Let’s expand on this develop a network of compassionate cities and compassionate animal care centers throughout the world! What do you think?