I am so grateful to so many readers of my blog that send me further documentation of trans-species connections. Apparently this video and news report have gone global and one wonderful reader shared it with me, as I do not watch TV. It not only is further documentation of trans-species connections, but also of trans-species maternal behavior as I have discussed on each Mother’s Day for the past two years. In addition, on you-tube next to this video are more video’s documenting trans-species maternal behavior. I feel that the further collection of video’s documenting such behavior may eventually allow skeptics or scientists who demand double blind placebo controlled trials for evidence of behaviors and consciousness in other species, to acknowledge that consciousness and more evolved behaviors do indeed exist. I believe that the more evidence that we collect, the more people will acknowledge this trans-species field exists and just by becoming more aware of it, we can actually re-create a garden of eden on this planet, where compassion for all beings is the basis for compassionate society.