Nutritional supplements are an essential component to an integrative approach your animal’s and your health care. I have been using nutritional supplements in my integrative veterinary practice for 30 years. I feel that are indispensable in keeping your animal healthy and in treating many disease conditions. Periodically different organizations such as the FDA attempt to control and limit access to these supplements. They state their concern about quality control, misrepresentation, scams, fraud, etc. These concerns are certainly valid. I too have these concerns. I always try to find sources of the highest quality supplements with the best evidence based research behind them. I have seen them help so many dogs, cats, horses and other species daily in my practice. I feel that the FDA, DSHEA guidelines the way that they have used for the past decade has addressed many of these concerns.
Yet, sometimes, different organizations may try to restrict freedom of choice and access to supplements in an effort to overreach and create impossible financial barriers to small businesses that provide these supplements. It seems like one of those times is now.
Dr. Mercola, a world renowned natural health practitioner presents in this video on Nutritional Supplements the current attempt to limit access to supplements. All practitioners interested in integrative and natural health care for all beings need come together to stand up for the ability to offer these supplements to our clients and patients in order to do what we can to keep them healthy and happy. I invite you to watch this video, contact your government representatives to help preserve our right to natural health care.
May the force be with us!
Dr. Mercola..Nutritional Supplements